P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Study the relationship between overhead front military press with Olympic weightlifting skill clean & jerk performance of male athletes Dr. Parmod Kumar Sethi and Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Sharma Pages: 280-282 - Viewed: 307 - Downloaded: 139 |
An analytical study of 1st ultimate Kho-Kho league in India during 2022 Tanmay Barman, Sarbeswar Konai and Chitra Bhar Pages: 283-286 - Viewed: 506 - Downloaded: 248 |
Effect of reflective instructional technique on the performance of trainee physical education teachers HG Maleesha Malkishari, S Joniton and S Sabaananth Pages: 287-292 - Viewed: 538 - Downloaded: 156 |
Elevation training mask (ETM) improves cardiorespiratory fitness and metabolic function Ganesan Arumugam, Dr. Nor Aijratul Asikin Binti Mohamad Shahlan, Subramaniam Soorinarayanan, Mahadewan Muniandy and Dr. Norhazira Binti Abdul Rahim Pages: 293-298 - Viewed: 431 - Downloaded: 176 |
The effect of 8 weeks of punch resistance band and dumbbell training on the arm power of ‘youth’ male boxers Sekar Pudak Wangi, Tomoliyus, Hegen Dadang Prayoga, Ni Putu Nita Wijayanti and Trisnar Adi Prabowo Pages: 299-304 - Viewed: 901 - Downloaded: 477 |
Implementation of sport sociology in guarantee conductiveness of supporter fanatism Arifuddin Usman, Muhammad Kamal, Arimbi and Poppy Elisano Arfanda Pages: 305-308 - Viewed: 322 - Downloaded: 110 |
An international perception for physical education in Punjab schools Dr. Suresh Kumar Pages: 309-311 - Viewed: 377 - Downloaded: 122 |
Significance of anthropometry, kin-anthropometry, kinesiology and physical composition in the emerging prospects of physical education and sports: A study on the anthropology of sports in Nagaland Somnath Chakraborty Pages: 312-314 - Viewed: 242 - Downloaded: 110 |
Exploring the influence of hill running on aerobic fitness development in Chaudhary Charan Singh University’s badminton players Dr. Hoshiyar Singh Pages: 318-321 - Viewed: 219 - Downloaded: 72 |
Assessing the health challenges and behaviours of youth in India: A comprehensive review Anil Kumar, Dr. Anek Goel and Dr. Raghbir Singh Mann Pages: 322-324 - Viewed: 322 - Downloaded: 164 |