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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health
  • Printed Journal
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P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB

Impact Factor (RJIF): 5.38

2023, Vol. 10, Issue 5, Part E

Implementation of sport sociology in guarantee conductiveness of supporter fanatism

Author(s): Arifuddin Usman, Muhammad Kamal, Arimbi and Poppy Elisano Arfanda

This research aims to determine the role of implementing sports sociology through controlling fanaticism of supporters on the conduciveness of a match. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a qualitative data survey method. The instruments used in this research were unstructured observation and structured interviews. This interview resembles a written survey questionnaire. This research involved 266 respondents of various ages ranging from 17 years old to 45 years old and with different work backgrounds ranging from state civil service, students, university students to businessman. The data analysis technique used was SPSS software with the Pearson Correlation Test. The results of the research show that there is a correlation between the implementation score of sports sociology and the conduciveness of a match with a value of r = 0.435 (medium strength) in a positive direction, meaning that the higher the implementation of sports sociology, the higher the conduciveness of a match. The score of the implementation of sports sociology on the control of fanaticism of supporters also shows a correlation with a value of r = 0.567 (medium strength) in a positive direction, meaning that the higher the implementation of sports sociology, the higher the control of fanaticism of supporters, and the score for the conduciveness of a match to the control of fanaticism of supporters is also shows a correlation with a value of r = 0.426 (medium strength) in a positive direction, meaning that the higher the conduciveness of a match, the higher the control of fanaticism among supporters.

Pages: 305-308  |  148 Views  61 Downloads

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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health
How to cite this article:
Arifuddin Usman, Muhammad Kamal, Arimbi, Poppy Elisano Arfanda. Implementation of sport sociology in guarantee conductiveness of supporter fanatism. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2023;10(5):305-308.

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