P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Impact of relaxing asnas and pranayamas on cardiovascular in relation to youths health Dr. Chandrakant Biradar Pages: 208-209 - Viewed: 603 - Downloaded: 136 |
FIFA global integrity programme: An in-depth analysis Manish Raj and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 210-213 - Viewed: 822 - Downloaded: 142 |
Handball federation of India: An overview Md. Ziauddin and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 214-218 - Viewed: 931 - Downloaded: 379 |
Field of play and equipment for baseball game: An overview Singh Tribhuvan Jogendra and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 219-222 - Viewed: 1178 - Downloaded: 579 |
Global sports market today: An overview Mukul Kumar and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 223-225 - Viewed: 4491 - Downloaded: 3812 |
Volleyball federation of India: Emergence and development Parveena Begum and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 226-230 - Viewed: 2752 - Downloaded: 2172 |
Effect of practicing yoga and meditation on physical and mental health of senior secondary students during COVID-19 Vikram Kumar and Dr. Sandeep Bhalla Pages: 231-233 - Viewed: 744 - Downloaded: 153 |
Substance abuse among university students. A look at predisposing factors Oloo Micky Olutende, Martin Sisa Yauma and Edwin K Wamukoya Pages: 234-241 - Viewed: 1513 - Downloaded: 1006 |
Effect of physical exercise and yoga practices on muscular endurance self-confidence and blood pressure Shivaraya Bhat B and Dr. S Chidambara Raja Pages: 242-245 - Viewed: 908 - Downloaded: 335 |
Longitudinal analysis of sports performance of prominent colleges of Mangalore University Prakash D Souza and Gerald Santhosh D Souza Pages: 246-249 - Viewed: 778 - Downloaded: 216 |