P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Applying physical exercises for enhancing general physical fitness of female students of Vinh university, Vietnam Hung Manh Nguyen, Thuy Thi Nguyen and Thanh Van Nguyen Pages: 135-137 - Viewed: 1087 - Downloaded: 225 |
Hand anthropometry: Correlation with grip strength and macronutrient intake among basketball players Rupal Pankaj Agrawal and Prajakta Jayant Nande Pages: 138-145 - Viewed: 1162 - Downloaded: 385 |
Sleep hygiene aberrations among top Congolese athletes during the sports season Alongo Yvon Rock Ghislain Pages: 146-148 - Viewed: 1020 - Downloaded: 203 |
Change physical health development of males primary school students 6 - 10 years old in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Nguyen Quang Vinh Pages: 149-152 - Viewed: 917 - Downloaded: 154 |
A study of Indian wrestling Shantaram H Salve Pages: 153-154 - Viewed: 1288 - Downloaded: 415 |
Analyze the effect of six week water exercise programme on selected health related fitness component on obese children Sathi Pal and LN Sarkar Pages: 155-157 - Viewed: 958 - Downloaded: 186 |
A comparative study of low intensity aerobic blood flow restriction training and conventional aerobic training on vo2max and thigh muscle girth in healthy 18-25-year-old adults Aditya Daryani and Dr. Tejas Borkar PT Pages: 158-161 - Viewed: 1902 - Downloaded: 250 |
Kinesiology of kayaking in case of physical disablity with a special focus on footrest Bernadett Kerteszne Nemet, TamasTerebessy, Gyorgy Szoke and Zoltan Bejek Pages: 162-166 - Viewed: 1619 - Downloaded: 277 |
The level of culture of a healthy lifestyle of student youth Nguyễn Đình Tuấn and Phạm Đức Hậu Pages: 167-168 - Viewed: 1001 - Downloaded: 224 |
Studying orderly culture living for input students university of physical education and sports Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Nguyen Quang Vinh Pages: 169-172 - Viewed: 971 - Downloaded: 147 |
Programmes and schemes of Punjab sports department: A survey study Parminder Singh and Dr. Dalwinder Singh Pages: 173-178 - Viewed: 1046 - Downloaded: 274 |
Comparative study on selected physical fitness variables among different team games players Akash Shukla, Dr. Deepak Kumar Dogra, Dr. Mukul Pant and Dr. Gauri Chakraborty Pages: 179-183 - Viewed: 1180 - Downloaded: 584 |
Evaluation of frustration tolerance capacity among female intercollegiate athletes based on neuroticism personality trait Dr. Durgeshnandini Titarmare Pages: 184-186 - Viewed: 719 - Downloaded: 144 |
A comparative study of anxiety of senior and junior international female weight lifters Dr. Sanjay Yadav and Dr. Sandeep Kumar Pages: 187-189 - Viewed: 721 - Downloaded: 233 |
Effect of six week fartlek training on vital capacity of football players Dr. Sandeep Singh Pages: 190-192 - Viewed: 640 - Downloaded: 177 |
Physical fitness and skill performance variables response to the influence of sports specific training among adolescent girls Dr. M Rajeswari and Dr. RG Giridharaprasath Pages: 193-195 - Viewed: 580 - Downloaded: 234 |
Sports drugs and doping and its impact on college athletes Yuvaraja KB, Dr. SK Manjunatha and T Viswanatha Pages: 196-198 - Viewed: 548 - Downloaded: 327 |
Mechanical analysis of basketball shooting: A review study Dr. Parvez Shamim Pages: 199-202 - Viewed: 351 - Downloaded: 216 |