P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Comparative study of the selected physiological variables of footballers at different altitude Tarun Aswal and Mukesh Chandra Bisht Pages: 66-68 - Viewed: 1489 - Downloaded: 283 |
Socio- economic status and level of participation of volley ball players in the selected Universities of Karnataka State Kum Rajeshwari G Konnur and Dr. Sakpal Hoovanna Pages: 69-72 - Viewed: 1787 - Downloaded: 342 |
In-service teachers’ experiences of using game based approaches to teach games: Implications for physical education teacher educators Kendall Jarrett and Richard Light Pages: 73-81 - Viewed: 1680 - Downloaded: 223 |
The effect of soccer coaching leadership behaviour on players’ team cohesion in the case of Amhara national league football clubs Astatkie Bogale Kebede Pages: 82-85 - Viewed: 1710 - Downloaded: 343 |
A critical review on benefits of different physical education programs in school Anantarup Sen Sarma Pages: 86-88 - Viewed: 1667 - Downloaded: 386 |
Formulation of human resource strategy using theory of strategic reference points Zahra Sadat Mirzazadeh, Kianoosh Shajie and Omar Alizaei Pages: 89-93 - Viewed: 1777 - Downloaded: 390 |
Challenges and experiences on inclusive physical education: The case of Bahir Dar elementary schools Berhanie Asrat Bekele Pages: 94-99 - Viewed: 1922 - Downloaded: 544 |
A comparative study of selected physiological variables between active and sedentary college students Anantarup Sen Sarma Pages: 100-102 - Viewed: 1864 - Downloaded: 394 |
A study of performance physical fitness components of runners, jumpers and throwers B Gowri Naidu and N Vijay Mohan Pages: 103-105 - Viewed: 1481 - Downloaded: 201 |
Development of coach competency evaluation instrument of football school Adi Sucipto, Toho Cholik Mutohir and Andun Sudijandoko Pages: 106-110 - Viewed: 2163 - Downloaded: 873 |
Impact of circuit training on selected physical fitness variables of male hockey players Dr. S Velkumar and Dr. K Rajesh Kumar Pages: 111-112 - Viewed: 592 - Downloaded: 210 |