P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
A study of agility on secondary school boys Dr. Md. Imran Hossain Pages: 01-03 - Viewed: 3693 - Downloaded: 159 |
Investigation of physical education teachers and trainer candidates' use of facebook as a social media tool in terms of different variables Selçuk Gençay Pages: 04-06 - Viewed: 321 - Downloaded: 134 |
Physical education curriculum: Challenge and possibilities Dr. Wakchaure Dattatray Sukhdev Pages: 07-08 - Viewed: 330 - Downloaded: 129 |
Effect of a multi-media educational bag in learning some basic offensive skills with foil for students Abdulhasan Raheemah Mashkor Pages: 09-12 - Viewed: 413 - Downloaded: 186 |
An investigation of skills, tactical knowledge, and game performance transfer in badminton: A pickleball perspective Sheri J Brock and Hairui Liu Pages: 13-17 - Viewed: 570 - Downloaded: 238 |
A comparative study of emotional intelligence among the college athletes and non-athletes Dr. Ramdas R Jadhav Pages: 18-22 - Viewed: 844 - Downloaded: 533 |
Visualization and victory: A study of sports imagery abilities among female hockey players at state and national levels in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Pradeep Prajapati and Dr. Promod Kumar Das Pages: 23-26 - Viewed: 507 - Downloaded: 177 |
Effect of using a special apparatus in rehabilitating and increasing motor abilities of stroke patients Bashar Banwan Hasan and Azzam Sabah Hameed Pages: 27-33 - Viewed: 312 - Downloaded: 120 |
Scientific intervention for acclimatization process: Modern sports training approach Ankit Singh and Tarun Rawat Pages: 34-40 - Viewed: 313 - Downloaded: 112 |
The effect of the SWOM strategy on the methods of guiding the teacher and peers to learn swome offensive handball skills for students Abbas Taha Hussein Pages: 41-48 - Viewed: 471 - Downloaded: 203 |