P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Effect of core training on football specific skills speed dribbling Shaheed Ahmed, Kalpana Zutshi and Shaji John Pages: 01-04 - Viewed: 1242 - Downloaded: 662 |
Comparative study on physical and psychological profiles of height-weight matched athlete and non-athlete Richa Dhiman Pages: 06-11 - Viewed: 899 - Downloaded: 385 |
Comparative study on arm and leg explosive power between volleyball and basketball players Dr. RS Suma and Dr. RG Giridharaprasath Pages: 12-14 - Viewed: 1092 - Downloaded: 521 |
Impact and effect of yogic practices in game and sports: Review of researches in last decades Ramakant Tripathy and Dr. Brahmananda Nayak Pages: 15-18 - Viewed: 1568 - Downloaded: 1155 |
Effect of muscle energy technique on improving pain and functions in patients with adhesive capsulitis: A narrative review Edwina D Souza and Mohini Shah Pages: 19-25 - Viewed: 1800 - Downloaded: 1290 |
A study on kabaddi playing ability of selected physical variables among state level women kabaddi players Jyoti Savalagi and Dr. Jyoti A Upadhye Pages: 26-31 - Viewed: 646 - Downloaded: 148 |
Effect of asanas on dynamic balance of sedentary women Asit Mahara, Dr. Sentu Mitra and Sagarika Bandyopadhyay Pages: 32-34 - Viewed: 880 - Downloaded: 334 |
Study to identify the normative values of left-right discrimination for Indian population aged 20 to 60 years Ramesh Basnet, Sujan Sukamani and Krishna Chandar GU Pages: 35-43 - Viewed: 862 - Downloaded: 337 |
Relationship of selected anthropometric and physical variables with the performance of batting skill in cricket Apoorva Dixit and Hem Chandra Joshi Pages: 44-46 - Viewed: 722 - Downloaded: 251 |
A study of joints disease in working women of 45 to 60 years age group Iqbal Kaur Pages: 47-48 - Viewed: 529 - Downloaded: 158 |
Effect of plyometric training with yogic practices and plyometric training without yogic practices on physical fitness variables among women cricket players C Gayatri and G Sarah Sarojini Pages: 49-52 - Viewed: 809 - Downloaded: 379 |