P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
The mysterious world of doping Diana Manuela Mendes Barbosa, João Pedro Rodrigues Ferreira, José Miguel Silva Teixeira and Maria José da Silva Faria Pages: 74-80 - Viewed: 1315 - Downloaded: 379 |
A more robust estimation and extension of factors determining production (FDP) of basketball players Martínez, Jose A Pages: 81-85 - Viewed: 1317 - Downloaded: 242 |
Biomechanical factors contributing to effective layup shot in basketball: A review study Sankarshan Chakraborty and Dr. Papan Mondal Pages: 86-89 - Viewed: 4511 - Downloaded: 2888 |
The deviative leaks of a financial footprint in the sports world Beatriz Couto Guedes, Eduardo Manuel Martins Catalão Cardoso, José Rodrigo Allen Ferreira de Castro Tavares and Maria José da Silva Faria Pages: 90-97 - Viewed: 1215 - Downloaded: 305 |
The truth of a false result Ana Catarina Pinto Da Silva, Filipe Carlos Branco Santa Bárbara Teixeira, José Gonçalo Mendes Fernandes, José Pedro Correia Santana Rosas Fougo, Vítor Hugo Almeida Pereira and Maria José da Silva Faria Pages: 98-105 - Viewed: 1210 - Downloaded: 302 |
Management of obesity induced forward head posture deformities through sports Kumar P Pages: 106-107 - Viewed: 1193 - Downloaded: 328 |
Translating research to practice: Understanding and mitigating parental influence on youth sport specialization George Antoun and David Hack Pages: 108-110 - Viewed: 1114 - Downloaded: 267 |
Effectiveness of aqua-aerobic exercises on cardio vascular fitness and weight loss among obese college students V Vijayaraj and Dr. MK Franklin Shaju Pages: 111-116 - Viewed: 1998 - Downloaded: 1010 |
Effect of sand running training on speed among school boys D Basil Jebaslin Durai and Dr. MK Franklin Shaju Pages: 117-122 - Viewed: 1544 - Downloaded: 567 |
Significance of psychological components of football players in Bangalore city Dr. Sunder Raj Urs and Mohanakumara Pages: 123-127 - Viewed: 1024 - Downloaded: 174 |