P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Energy drinks for sports Dr. Krishna R Yadav Pages: 143-144 - Viewed: 198 - Downloaded: 90 |
रीवा जिले के बास्केटबॉल महिला प्रशिक्षण खिलाड़ियों के खेल कौशल के विकास का अध्ययन डॉ. शिल्पा शर्मा Pages: 145-147 - Viewed: 100 - Downloaded: 61 |
Customized reference ranges of 25 (OH) Vitamin D Levels for Indian athletes: A comparative analysis with international standards Usha Sri Kaniganti and Dr. CS Karigar Pages: 148-154 - Viewed: 357 - Downloaded: 153 |
Yogic therapies Anand S Chanagi Pages: 155-157 - Viewed: 283 - Downloaded: 167 |
Exploring the impact of diverse aerobic and Indian aerobic exercise regimens on key physical and physiological parameters in adolescent boys Dr. Rajesh C and Dr. Shejin KV Pages: 158-162 - Viewed: 238 - Downloaded: 115 |
Sprint running and repeated jumping in the sand and in water: Its influence on limb power in the game of sepaktakraw Ramli, Arham Syahban, Moh. Ifkhal Sianto, Agus Raharjo, Ronal Dwi Ardian Fufu, Mohammad Zaim Zen, Angga Indra Kusuma, Moh. Hanafi and I Gede Dharma Utamayasa Pages: 163-166 - Viewed: 284 - Downloaded: 120 |
School management YPPK AYAM and SD YPPGI AYAM District AKAT Regency Asmat District Suharni Achmad and Nurtanio Agus Purwanto Pages: 167-170 - Viewed: 363 - Downloaded: 164 |
Comparative study of sports imagery ability between elite and non-elite cricketers from Goa Vishnu Pethkar and Akash Parab Pages: 171-172 - Viewed: 219 - Downloaded: 91 |
Long term effect of different soft tissue manipulation technique on function and range of motion in chronic plantar fasciitis in traffic police Pulusu Manthaiah and Amit Kumar Singh Pages: 173-176 - Viewed: 236 - Downloaded: 106 |
Effects of lower deep neck extensors and trapezius strengthening on pain, disability and ROM in women with non-specific neck pain Tejashwini Shinde and Neeraj Kumar Pages: 177-182 - Viewed: 377 - Downloaded: 191 |