P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Smash, block, and service technical contribution in volleyball games at the diy regional student sports week (Popda) championship in 2022 Andriyati, Suhadi, Ayutisa Rizqanada and Amri Ikshanul Amal Pages: 160-165 - Viewed: 515 - Downloaded: 178 |
Effects of high intensity inspiratory muscle training to increase exercise capacity in bronchiectasis Aswathy VL and Priya Accal Thomas Pages: 166-171 - Viewed: 533 - Downloaded: 298 |
Effect of game specific plyometric training on selected physical fitness variables among inter university basketball players Dr. NS Gnanavel and Dr. K Venkatesan Pages: 172-173 - Viewed: 318 - Downloaded: 74 |
Isolated effect of aerobic and yogic practices on inspiratory reserve volume and expiratory reserve volume among female ball badminton players Dr. NS Gnanavel and Dr. K Venkatesan Pages: 174-175 - Viewed: 315 - Downloaded: 76 |
Evaluation of petanque sports achievement development for the special region of Yogyakarta Fadel Afdhalla Nasution, Ahmad Nasrulloh and Darma Pambagyo Pages: 176-187 - Viewed: 913 - Downloaded: 519 |
To compare the effectiveness of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization versus contract relax antagonist contract in individuals with hamstring tightness Sumin Sharma Subedi, Veena J and Dr. Yathish R Pages: 188-195 - Viewed: 333 - Downloaded: 88 |
Comparative study between effect of Retrowalking and self-selected pace forward walking on improving pain and function in people with osteoarthritis knee Nazim Malik M and Aparna Sudhan M Pages: 196-203 - Viewed: 758 - Downloaded: 440 |
The effectiveness of kinesio taping on pain and throwing accuracy following shoulder impingement syndrome in elite male cricketers P Sakthivel Pages: 204-208 - Viewed: 588 - Downloaded: 354 |
To assess the effect of respiratory muscle training on respiratory muscle strength and cardiopulmonary endurance in stair climbing activities among stroke patients Sujita KC and Sudhakara PM Pages: 209-216 - Viewed: 313 - Downloaded: 90 |
अनूपपुर जिले में जनजातियों की सामाजिक गतिशीलता पर छात्रों के लिए खेल गतिविधियों के अन्तर्गत सैद्धान्तिक एवं व्यवहारिक ज्ञान का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन सुरेश कुमार चैैधरी एवं डाॅ. दिलीप कुमार सोनी Pages: 217-221 - Viewed: 349 - Downloaded: 111 |
Effect of six weeks of yogic intervention on oxygen percentage level Preeti Deshlahra and Mahendra Kumar Singh Pages: 222-225 - Viewed: 305 - Downloaded: 76 |