P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Cardiovascular efficiency and strength between rural and urban school girls Dr. Chandrakant B Biradar Pages: 210-211 - Viewed: 722 - Downloaded: 203 |
Effect of beetroot juice supplementation on sports and physical exercise: A systematic review Jils Varghese Pages: 212-216 - Viewed: 1020 - Downloaded: 426 |
Importance of physical activity and home-based exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic Dr. Kishor V Pages: 217-222 - Viewed: 853 - Downloaded: 305 |
Evaluating some biocinematics variables when performing the blocking wall skill from movement in the volleyball Dr. Hamza Fadhil Hassan and Dr. Yarob Abdul Baqi Pages: 223-226 - Viewed: 816 - Downloaded: 225 |
Comparative study of prescribed exercise programme on flexibility of rural and Urban BA general physical education girls Dr. Sanjoy Mitra Pages: 227-229 - Viewed: 711 - Downloaded: 143 |
A survey on impact of COVID-19 pandemic on exercise practices of healthcare workers in Maharashtra Vaishnavi Kaveeshwar and Dr. Tejas Borkar Pages: 230-233 - Viewed: 770 - Downloaded: 203 |
Influence of yogic exercises on self-confidence and study skills among college boys Dr. Kanthraj S Pages: 234-235 - Viewed: 704 - Downloaded: 157 |
Effect of physical exercises on flexibility and reaction time among special children J Nareshkannan and Dr. PV Shelvam Pages: 236-238 - Viewed: 746 - Downloaded: 182 |
Effect of yogic practices on flexibility resting pulse rate and anxiety among geriatric population G Malini and Dr. R Saravanan Pages: 239-242 - Viewed: 736 - Downloaded: 204 |
Socioeconomic status and participation in sports: A review of literature Iqbal and Dr. H Nagalingappa Pages: 243-246 - Viewed: 4559 - Downloaded: 3364 |
Investigating the psychological variables between male and female basketball players Shipra Verma Pages: 247-249 - Viewed: 114 - Downloaded: 77 |