Socioeconomic status and participation in sports: A review of literature
Author(s): Iqbal and Dr. H Nagalingappa
Abstract: Social and economic status of an individual has great impact on sports activities of students at different levels of education. Concepts and theories that connect Socioeconomic Status (SES) and sports activities of students studying at University level will help the strategists to plan well for the future of sports enthusiasts, universities and for the nation too. There have been numerous studies carried out by several researchers across the world to help policy makers. There are various factors that impact the participation in sports by people of younger generation. The SES and the interest in sports and participation in sports across the world provides opportunity to understand various strategies adopted by governments and sports clubs to attract the younger generation to actively participate in sports. This research paper has tried to capture the work of research scholars across the world, from different countries, who have been actively contributing towards understanding of SES factors and participation in sports.