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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health
  • Printed Journal
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  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB

2020, Vol. 7, Issue 6, Part B

S. No. Title and Authors Name Country
The role of sports medicine in physical education
Dr. Mohammed Abou Elmagd
Pages: 76-83  -  Viewed: 2001  -  Downloaded: 1005  -  Country: United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Compare the effect of static and dynamic stretching on hamstring muscle flexibility and on agility performance in tennis players
Dr. Bhagyashree Salekar, Dr. Sharath UR, Dr. Pradeep Krishnareddy, Dr. Sridhar S, Dr. Radhakrishna AM and Dr. Sumer Shah
Pages: 84-90  -  Viewed: 1549  -  Downloaded: 553  -  Country: India
Comparative study of aggression and will to win between defenders and attackers in soccer
Tariq Ahmad Malla and Dr. Ramneek Jain
Pages: 91-93  -  Viewed: 778  -  Downloaded: 188  -  Country: India
Isolated and combined effect of yogic and physical exercises on selected physical, physiological and anthropometric variables among college men football players in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu
Khalid Zahoor Khan and Dr. Ramneek Jain
Pages: 94-98  -  Viewed: 879  -  Downloaded: 229  -  Country: India
Arthroscopic versus ultrasonography-assisted achilles tendon repair
Athanasios P Fortis, Anastasios Dimas, Vasileios Dedes, Nikolaos Vergados, Mihail Laloudakis and Georgios I Panoutsopoulos
Pages: 99-102  -  Viewed: 866  -  Downloaded: 170  -  Country: Greece
Hatha-yoga for children
Olga Kokoulina, Bella Akhmetova and Diana Akhmetova
Pages: 103-105  -  Viewed: 1159  -  Downloaded: 408  -  Country: Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The comparison of Linear and Nonlinear pedagogy on the learning of table tennis forehand stroke
Fatemeh Valeh, Alireza Saberi kakhki and Fatemeh Alirezayi Noghondar
Pages: 106-111  -  Viewed: 1521  -  Downloaded: 736  -  Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of
Iran, Islamic Republic of
Football goalkeeper, first or last option?
Thiago Sabino, Erivelton Fernandes França, Selton Fabiano Mendes, Mário Luiz Maia Guerra, Douglas Figueiredo Cossote, Julio Cesar Oliveira Bonfim, Romildo Torres da Silva and Antonio Carlos da Silva
Pages: 112-114  -  Viewed: 867  -  Downloaded: 244  -  Country: Brazil
A comparison of body image profile between male and female athletes and non-athletes
Dr. Arun Kumar Nayak
Pages: 115-117  -  Viewed: 967  -  Downloaded: 292  -  Country: India
The evaluation of the effectiveness in the physical education lessons under the orientation of differentiated classroom at Thai Nguyen University of education
Dr. Do Ngoc Cuong
Pages: 118-121  -  Viewed: 712  -  Downloaded: 99  -  Country: Vietnam

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