P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
A study of factors influencing nutritional requirements Dr. Manisha Manoj Khondhare Pages: 117-119 - Viewed: 1012 - Downloaded: 141 |
The prevalence of cervical extension deficit among young adults: a cross-sectional observational study Tulika Boro and Omeshree Nagrale Pages: 120-124 - Viewed: 1096 - Downloaded: 213 |
Relation between mechanical neck pain and scapular position Priya S, Padmanabhan Suresh Babu Roshan and Shruti G Lakkumane Pages: 125-127 - Viewed: 1394 - Downloaded: 570 |
Comparison of explosive strength between volleyball and football players of Trivandrum district Comparison of explosive strength between volleyball and football players of Trivandrum district Pages: 128-129 - Viewed: 982 - Downloaded: 235 |
Meditation and motion: A Need of the hour Ms. Meherbani Kaur Khalsa, Ms. Kavita Verma and Ms. Anjali Sharma Pages: 130-133 - Viewed: 942 - Downloaded: 198 |
Autonomic functions of college boys and girls (A comparative study) Pawan Kumar, Anil Bali, Lalit Kapur and Dhananjoy Shaw Pages: 134-139 - Viewed: 1044 - Downloaded: 235 |
Effects of plyometric exercise and circuit training on physical fitness selected variably speed and agility of tennis players Mr. Jai Prakash Singh and Dr. Preeti Kachhawa Pages: 140-142 - Viewed: 1162 - Downloaded: 381 |
Health education: during lockdown Dr. Vishwambhar V. Jadhav Pages: 143-146 - Viewed: 1082 - Downloaded: 273 |
Comparative study of academic achievement of higher secondary student’s of Uttar Pradesh state in India Dr. Ashwani Kumar and Mamta Singh Rathour Pages: 147-150 - Viewed: 1001 - Downloaded: 180 |
Training manners for reserve human resources of basketball players for overseas and Vietnam Dr. Pham Duc Toan Pages: 151-153 - Viewed: 1013 - Downloaded: 192 |
A comparative study of aerobic endurance among basketball players and volleyball players of RTM Nagpur University Dr. Amit Arjun Budhe Pages: 154-156 - Viewed: 823 - Downloaded: 297 |