P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
“8†shaped walk maintain good health Dr. R Vidhya Sree Pages: 01-02 - Viewed: 3842 - Downloaded: 2544 |
Effects of various mulligan technique on hamstring muscle imbalance and lumbar spine mobility in marathon runners: A randomized control trial Shilpa Khatri, Ujwal Yeole and Supriya Kurle Pages: 03-06 - Viewed: 1434 - Downloaded: 439 |
Effect of supervised Pilates mat exercises on parametrs of health related physical fitness among young Indian women: An experimental study Sindhu N, Bhatbolan SV, Billore N and Bashyal P Pages: 07-11 - Viewed: 1325 - Downloaded: 265 |
Effects of sports specific training on selected physical physiological psychological and physical exercises personality variables: A study of college level students G Vinayagam and Dr. B Selvamuthukrishnan Pages: 12-14 - Viewed: 1323 - Downloaded: 274 |
Effect of trunk control exercises on balance and gait in stroke patients-randomized control trial Dr. Tushar Dhawale, Dr. Ujwal Yeole and Anuja Pawar Pages: 15-18 - Viewed: 1479 - Downloaded: 282 |
Effects of Blackburn exercises in shoulder impingement on pain and disability in rock climbers Rasika Panse, Ujwal Yeole, Krishna Pawar and Pournima Pawar Pages: 19-21 - Viewed: 1470 - Downloaded: 447 |
Effects of plyometric with functional training on selected physical fitness physiological and skill performance variables of intercollegiate male football players M Mathiyazhagan and Dr. PJ Sebastian Pages: 22-25 - Viewed: 1439 - Downloaded: 379 |
Effect of hand rehabilitation in overuse injuries of hand in professional rock climbers Rasika Panse, Ujwal Yeole, Sapna Domal and Pournima Pawar Pages: 26-28 - Viewed: 1163 - Downloaded: 138 |
Student motor ability analysis primary school Dr. Indra Adi Budiman Pages: 29-33 - Viewed: 1405 - Downloaded: 356 |
Prevalence of neck, shoulder and low back pain among school students in Reethapuram, Kanyakumari district Jemeela S, Maheswari K and Martin Ebenezer C Pages: 34-40 - Viewed: 1269 - Downloaded: 334 |
Effect of specific training with yogic practices on leg explosive power among handball players Dr. S Velkumar Pages: 41-42 - Viewed: 577 - Downloaded: 183 |