P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Comparative study on anthropometric variables of spin and fast bowlers, above 16 years and below 22 years cricket players of Goa Chandu G Lamani, Dr. Pratap Singh Tiwari, Deepa Rathod Pages: 01-03 - Viewed: 1816 - Downloaded: 270 |
Mediating Role of Mindfulness on the Relationship between Mental Toughness and Athletics Performance of Inter University Track and Field Athletes Abdul Rafeeque TC, Dr. D Sultana Pages: 04-07 - Viewed: 2390 - Downloaded: 781 |
Effect of continuous running fartlek training and interval training on selected skill related performance variables among male football players Dr. Sudhakara Babu Mande Pages: 08-10 - Viewed: 2211 - Downloaded: 626 |
Sports activities: The best Remedy to attain Comprehensive health Rather Hilal Ahmad Pages: 11-14 - Viewed: 1766 - Downloaded: 206 |
Comparative effect of isometric, isotonic exercises on the performance of selected field events Mahesh Yadav, Dr. Sanjit Sardar Pages: 15-18 - Viewed: 2401 - Downloaded: 238 |
Coping Strategies between Volleyball and Handball University Male Players Arjun Singh Solanki, Mahendra Kumar Singh Pages: 19-21 - Viewed: 1656 - Downloaded: 163 |
Relationship between selected anthropometric variables and performance of volleyball players Dr. Sukhwinder Singh Pages: 22-24 - Viewed: 1726 - Downloaded: 241 |
The effect of stair climbing versus treadmill on heart response: A comparison study Rajan Balakrishnan, Ravikumar Murugaesan, Kanyan Anak Tingkai Pages: 25-29 - Viewed: 1831 - Downloaded: 333 |
Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among non-healthcare working population in different gender at Selangor Rajan Balakrishnan, Martin Ebenezer Chellappan, Emalatha Changalai Pages: 30-34 - Viewed: 1813 - Downloaded: 327 |
Prevalence of low back pain and its risk factors among secondary school teachers at Bentong, Pahang Rajan Balakrishnan, Martin Ebenezer Chellappan, Thenmozhi Pages: 35-40 - Viewed: 2137 - Downloaded: 430 |
A comparative study of emotional intelligence and leadership traits of rural and urban area basketball players Dhananjay Babanrao Vitalkar and Dr. Pravin D Lamkhade Pages: 41-44 - Viewed: 1739 - Downloaded: 177 |
Increase of fat utilisation during endurance exercise Ajay Solanki Pages: 45-46 - Viewed: 1657 - Downloaded: 201 |