2025, Vol. 12, Issue 1, Part D
Prevalence of hypokinetic diseases and resiliency among male midlife adults in relation to their physical activity status: A qualitative exploration
Author(s): Satnam Singh, Dalwinder Singh and Sonia Saini
Abstract:The primary goal of this investigation is to elucidate the intricate relationships between physical activity, Resiliency, and hypokinetic diseases. The present article contributes to depict the picture of prevalence of hypokinetic diseases and Resiliency among midlife adults in relation to their Physical Activity Status.
Methodology: Total three hundred (N=300) midlife adults. The age of the subjects was ranged between 35-50 years. Further, the subjects were sub-divided into physically active, moderately active and inactive categories as per their physical activity status. The variables selected for the present study were (i) Hypokinetic diseases which includes (a)BMI (b)High blood pressure(c) Diabetes (d) Coronary heart disease (CHD) (e) low Back problems (f) Joint disorder (ii) Resiliency.
Tools Used: Self constructed demographic information Proforma for hypokinetic diseases was administrated to assess the prevalence of hypokinetic diseases. Brief Resiliency Scale (BRS) 2008 was used to measure Resiliency among midlife adults, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short questionnaire was used to categorise the subjects into various groups i.e. physically active, moderately active and inactive group.
Statistical Application: A normal distribution of the data was verified by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test & Shapiro-Wilk. Since the data did not follow a normal distribution, Kruskal-Wallis U test was used to compare the groups in question. Level of significance was set at 0.05 level for the testing of hypothesis.
Findings: The results of normality of test showed that all the selected variables didn’t show the normal distribution. Kruskal-Wallis U test with regard to sub-variable of hypokinetic diseases i.e. BMI and low back pain among male midlife adults showed significant difference as the obtained p<0.05. and post-hoc test indicated that active group possess normal BMI as compared to their counterparts i.e. moderately active and inactive as well on the sub variable low back pain and joint disorder, inactive group had shown lower mean score as compared to their counterparts. Whereas, insignificant differences were found with regard to other sub-variables of hypokinetic diseases i.e. Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Coronary heart disease among midlife male adults as the obtained p-values found higher than 0.05 level of confidence the findings with regard to Resiliency among male midlife adults revealed insignificant differences as the obtained p>0.05.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the male midlife adults were found significantly different on sub-variables; BMI and Low back pain and Joint disorder pain, of hypokinetic diseases whereas, on the rest of sub-variables i.e. high blood pressure, Diabetes, Coronary heart disease the groups in question were found same. It is also concluded from the findings that similar level of Resiliency was found among male mid-life adults.
DOI: 10.22271/kheljournal.2025.v12.i1d.3652Pages: 219-225 | 42 Views 18 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Satnam Singh, Dalwinder Singh, Sonia Saini.
Prevalence of hypokinetic diseases and resiliency among male midlife adults in relation to their physical activity status: A qualitative exploration. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2025;12(1):219-225. DOI: