Cognitive ability of children in respect of locality
Author(s): Sandip Kumar Mandal
Abstract: The present study is an attempt to investigate the effect of motor abilities of rural and urban School children in the state of west Bengal. This study based on four cognitive ability variables that is choice reaction time; distance perception jump; pedesterial kinesthetic test of size and vertical linear space test which subject were collected from rural& urban localities. Equal number of subjects was collected from rural and urban areas. The total score of 600 hundred were analysis by the calculation of spss method. The necessary statistics of cognitive ability variables were stated regarding locality. On the basis of data, it had revealed that in Choice reaction time and in Pedesterial kinesthetic test of size, urban group perform better than the rural group which was significant at 0.05 levels where (t=9.00,p<0.05and t=2.547,p<0.05). According to locality differences existed in Choice reaction time and in Pedesterial kinesthetic test of size, but not in other two kinesthetic perception measures. Urban children were perform better in Choice reaction time and in Pedesterial kinesthetic test of size than rural counterpart.