P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Physical condition and basic techniques of SMP N 6 Yogyakarta students in men's basketball extracurriculars Novi Octaviasari and Endang Rini Sukamti Pages: 291-294 - Viewed: 138 - Downloaded: 56 |
Effect of varied intensity of plyometric training on speed and cardio respiratory endurance among college women volleyball players V Subramanyam and PPS Paul Kumar Pages: 295-300 - Viewed: 121 - Downloaded: 79 |
The impact of service training using kick pad on the quadrant service accuracy in sepak takraw Rizka Rahayu Taha, Endang Rini Sukamti, Tomoliyus and Rifky Mile Pages: 301-303 - Viewed: 178 - Downloaded: 99 |
A comparative study of selected physiological variables among basketball, handball and football players Banti Kumar, Amritansh Kumar Dubey, Pradeep Yadav, Anjani Yadav and Dr. Tilak Raj Meena Pages: 304-309 - Viewed: 194 - Downloaded: 138 |
Youth obesity, lifestyle and cognitive function: A comprehensive study Bhavi Desai, Shreya Parmar, Dhanashree De, Dharmishtha Parmar and Dr. Himani Dave Pages: 310-314 - Viewed: 161 - Downloaded: 74 |
The effect of specific physical training on shooting in west Sumbawa district archery athletes Muhammad Fauzan Pages: 315-319 - Viewed: 262 - Downloaded: 127 |
Mindfulness and meditation in yoga: Effects on stress reduction Dr. Vinodkumar K Pages: 320-321 - Viewed: 111 - Downloaded: 65 |
Influence of run-up velocity on cricket bowling Neptune Ghosh and Dr. Papan Mondal Pages: 322-326 - Viewed: 234 - Downloaded: 155 |
Emotional intelligence: A pivotal factor in sports performance Manu Singh Pawar Pages: 327-329 - Viewed: 299 - Downloaded: 256 |
Special coordination and its impact on the speed of skillful performance of the youth players of Al- Samawah club in football Dr. Khalid Oudah Gashyyish Pages: 330-337 - Viewed: 147 - Downloaded: 62 |