2024, Vol. 11, Issue 4, Part I
The effect of traditional game use on motor development: A meta-analysis
Author(s): Ahmad Abadi and Sigit Nugroho
Abstract:This study aims to explain the influence of the use of traditional games on efforts to improve motor development skills through meta-analysis. Research data was collected from articles published in 2019 to 2023 in united nations language using Google Scholar as an article search engine. The article discusses the influence of traditional games on motor skills, is analyzed qualitatively, describes the data in the form of sample sizes, deviation standards, and averages. The analysis design uses contrasting groups with random effect models in that the effect size is corrected. This analysis uses JASP software to calculate mean aggregate differences, draw forest plots, and publication bias. The results of the analysis showed a significant influence of differences between groups that used traditional games and non-traditional games in the process of improving motor skills (SE = 2.17), groups of students who used traditional games in an effort to improve motor skills better learning outcomes than those who did not use traditional games. Based on the results of the analysis, it is very clear the urgency of implementing traditional games in supporting the process of improving motor skills.
DOI: 10.22271/kheljournal.2024.v11.i4i.3470Pages: 541-546 | 401 Views 245 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here