Prevalence of neck pain among university students undertaking long distance bus travel
Author(s): Ambuja Bhardwaj and Amritpal Kaur
Neck pain causes a great personal uneasiness due to disability, pain, reducing work productivity and poor quality of life. Neck pain is commonly among adults and contributes significantly to the demand for medical services and the economic load of absence from work due to illness. Population-based studies indicated an occurrence of between 12 and 34%. Neck pain is expected to be a multifactorial condition, and therefore there are several risk factors causal to its development. Risk factors can be work-related or non-work-related, and they can be alienated roughly into 3 categories physical, psychosocial, and individual risk factors. The physical factors can be explained by the supply of physical load on the musculoskeletal skeleton (Faiza Jabba et al., 2022) [2].
Ambuja Bhardwaj, Amritpal Kaur. Prevalence of neck pain among university students undertaking long distance bus travel. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2024;11(3):303-305. DOI: