A comparative analysis of mental toughness in different level sportsmen
Author(s): Sahil Dahiya and Dr. Dharmander Kumar
The purpose of the present study was to compare the mental toughness among state level players and national players. For the purpose of the study 89 players were selected from IGIPESS College under University of Delhi, Delhi In the year of 2021-22. The Subjects age ranges from 17-23 years. The data for the study were collected by using questionnaire technique. The scores on mental toughness were collected by administrating Alan Goldberg scale (1998). Which consisted of thirty questions measuring five attributes namely Reboundability, Pressure Handling Ability, Concentration, Confidence and Motivation. This survey was taken by the investigator presence and Necessary instruction was given by him and no motivational techniques were emoloyed. It was clearly explained to the subjects that overall purpose of the study was to compare the mental toughness between state level players and national level players. Statistical technique of ‘t’ ratio was used to compare the mental toughness between selected groups. The results revealed that there was a significant difference found in state level players and national level players.
Sahil Dahiya, Dr. Dharmander Kumar. A comparative analysis of mental toughness in different level sportsmen. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2023;10(6):321-323. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/kheljournal.2023.v10.i6e.3178