P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Comparison of anthropometric measurements between goalkeepers of soccer and hockey of Himachal Pradesh University Dr. Ashwani Kumar Pages: 390-392 - Viewed: 304 - Downloaded: 96 |
Rating scales for assessment of low back pain and disability: A literature review Shiv Kumar Gautam and Jagmeet kaur Pages: 393-398 - Viewed: 888 - Downloaded: 588 |
Physical activity and exercise programming during pandemic Pawan Deep Pages: 399-400 - Viewed: 519 - Downloaded: 304 |
Combined and isolated effect of ladder and medicine ball training on explosive power among school students Dr. G Jayapal and Dr. A Nallamuthu Pages: 401-403 - Viewed: 297 - Downloaded: 91 |
Level of customer satisfaction on service quality of Yogyakarta state universitas swimming pool in the pandemic time of COVID-19 Anisa Isna Khusnul Hotimah, Sumarjo and Arinta Gilda Pages: 404-409 - Viewed: 472 - Downloaded: 161 |
Assessing and comparing the muscular endurance of the major spine-stabilising muscles of jumpers Madhu GR, Sowmya K and Praveen Kumar K Pages: 410-412 - Viewed: 843 - Downloaded: 577 |
Isolated effect of anaerobic training and super circuit training on stride length among college men students Vutla Mallikharjuna Rao and Dr. M Kalimuthu Pages: 413-415 - Viewed: 381 - Downloaded: 158 |
Distance higher education policies in turkey: Teacher training by letter Erhan İÇÖZ and Sevda İÇÖZ Pages: 416-421 - Viewed: 524 - Downloaded: 274 |
Effect of high-intensity interval training and fartlek on increasing VO2max in futsal players M Ikhlasul Amal and Ahmad Nasrulloh Pages: 422-425 - Viewed: 435 - Downloaded: 192 |
Investigating the detrimental effects of plastic bottle usage on women Dr. Vishwambhar Jadhav and Deksha Shetty Pages: 426-428 - Viewed: 311 - Downloaded: 112 |
Influence of Kinesio tapping training on the performance of vertical jump among women badminton players R Udaya Kumar and Dr. S Manikandan Pages: 429-430 - Viewed: 199 - Downloaded: 53 |