2023, Vol. 10, Issue 3, Part C
Common injuries and vulnerable part of injuries among basketball players
Author(s): Neeraj Kaushik, Mayank Sharma and Gaurav Chaudhary
Abstract:Basketball is a contact sport that involves intricate hops, spins, and direction changes that frequently result in musculoskeletal injuries to all parts of the body (Andreoli, 2018). Ankle injuries in basketball are among of the most frequent and serious injuries that can occur. An ankle injury accounted for more than half of the total time missed due to an injury in basketball, according to an Australian basketball study. Thus, it is clear that the understanding of injuries is important for the protection as well as the prevention of injuries. The proposed study tries to find out the common injuries and vulnerable part of injuries among basketball players so that further implementations can be done for prevention of injuries and betterment of the performances. A total of 100 players was selected by the researcher who participated in the inter-college, basketball championship for the proposed study. The questionnaire was developed with the help of panel of expert in the field for the required study. Percentage method was used by the researcher in order to get the result from the raw data and it was later exhibited in form of pie charts and tables with the help of MS Excel. Analyzing the data, the findings pertaining to questions related to common injuries have been presented from graphically in form of pie chart. When asked about the soft tissue injuries in basketball, 58% of the subject said sprain is the most common soft tissue injury that happens in basketball, 27% said strain is the most common injury in basketball and 15% said abrasion is the most common injury in basketball. The study concludes that soft tissues injuries are the most common and joint injuries are the least common injury in basketball, In soft tissue injury, sprain is the most common injury in basketball, In bone injury, oblique fracture is the most common fracture that occurs in basketball, In joint injury, sub-luxation is more common than luxation in basketball, The chances of getting an injury in the lower extremity is the highest and the middle part of the body is the lowest in basketball, In the lower extremity, the chances of injuries in ankle are the highest in basketball, In the upper extremity, the chances of injury in elbow are the highest in basketball, In the middle part of the body, the chances of injury in lower back are the highest in basketball.
DOI: 10.22271/kheljournal.2023.v10.i3c.2938Pages: 156-163 | 964 Views 588 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here