2023, Vol. 10, Issue 2, Part D
Social, economic & health status of elderly: A study of Marianagar village
Author(s): Lakshmeesh BN
Abstract:Ageing well is conceptualized using different contemporary theoretical frameworks in the last decades, including healthy aging, positive aging, productive aging, active aging. These theoretical frameworks integrate both biological and social sciences, considering social participation, psychology, lifestyles, activities, finances and other domestic and environmental factors. The state of wellbeing is a multifaceted phenomenon in the older population which generally involves happiness, self-contentment, satisfying social relationships, and autonomy. The increasing number of older people worldwide, promoting health and wellbeing becomes priority for ageing well. Wellbeing and physical and mental wellbeing are closely related. With advanced age, wellbeing might be adversely influenced by declining physical health and functioning due to age related changes, older adults may consequently encounter more challenges in pursuing aging well.
Pages: 227-230 | 275 Views 128 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Lakshmeesh BN. Social, economic & health status of elderly: A study of Marianagar village. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2023;10(2):227-230.