2023, Vol. 10, Issue 2, Part C
Application of modification of the bocce ball game to gross motor manipulative movements in children intellectual disability SLB-C YPPLB Cendrawasih Makassar
Author(s): Muh. Jamil Abdillah, Sumaryanti, Sulistiyono, Sigit Nugroho, Wahyudin, Andi Nurzakiah Amin, Andika Bayu Putro and Suparman
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to determine the Effect of Application of Modified Bocce Ball Game on Gross Motor Manipulative Movements in intellectual disabilitiy Children SLB-C YPPLB Cendrawasih Makassar.
Methods: This research is an experimental design research using a pretest and posttest one group design. The research sample was 25 in intellectual disabilitiy Children/students who were selected by purposive sampling technique. In the initial implementation of the test, the initial pretest data collection was carried out by measuring the coordination of the manipulative movements in intellectual disabilitiy children using a throw fun target test. Implementation: the sample stands behind the throwing boundary line then the participant (sample) throws the ball in a directed direction as much as 5 (five) times towards the target.
Evaluation: The score is obtained based on the distance of the stop location approaching or hitting the target. After the pretest was completed, it was continued by giving treatment to the sample using game modifications for 6 meetings. Then do the final test or posttest using the same test items. The data analysis technique used is Descriptive Analysis, Normality Test and T Test. This study uses the Throw fun target Test instrument by using a modified Bocce game with the model of throwing the ball at the target with coordinated motion.
Results: Based on data analysis, descriptive test results before the exercise program, acquired an average value (mean) 8.63, a minimal 6, maximum 12, standard deviation 1.49. After the exercise program, acquired an average value (mean) 12.5, a minimum 8, maximum 18, standard deviation 12.22. The results of the normality check of the facts through reading the Shapiro-Wilk value (number of respondents < 50) obtained a value of 0.427 (pre-test) and 0.217 (post-test) by looking at the value of sig. > 0.05 then it is stated that all the data tested show normal values. From the results of the analysis of the pretest and posttest value, the average influence and difference was 3.421.
Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded that the application model of the Bocce game modification has a significant influence on the gross motor manipulative motion in intellectual disabilitiy children/students.
DOI: 10.22271/kheljournal.2023.v10.i2c.2846Pages: 147-153 | 785 Views 446 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Muh. Jamil Abdillah, Sumaryanti, Sulistiyono, Sigit Nugroho, Wahyudin, Andi Nurzakiah Amin, Andika Bayu Putro, Suparman.
Application of modification of the bocce ball game to gross motor manipulative movements in children intellectual disability SLB-C YPPLB Cendrawasih Makassar. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2023;10(2):147-153. DOI: