2023, Vol. 10, Issue 1, Part E
Effectiveness massage effleurage with warm oil for doms decrease (Delayed onset muscle soreness) on the arms
Author(s): Triyas Krismantoro, Wara Kushartanti, Novita Intan Arovah, Sigit Nugroho and Sukarmin
Abstract:This research is to find out the effectiveness of effleurage massage with warm oil on reducing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) of the students in Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research was conducted at 5-19 February 2021 at HSC, 2nd floor, Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University. This research was a descriptive quantitative study. The research design used experiment with two groups pretest-postest design. The research samples were for about 30 people, the sampling was based on the incidental sampling. The right arm was treated for 15 minutes while the left arm was used as the control. Pain research instrument used VAS and the function used DASH. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test to determine the significance of differences before and after treatment from the control group and the treatment group. The results of the VAS score of the pretest and posttest treatment is at 3.13±1.20 to 1.71±1.14 with a value (
p< 0.000). The pretest and posttest VAS control is at 3.30±1.00 to 3.00±1, 70 points (
p<0.000). While the pretest and posttest treatment function values are at 16.0±2.35 to 17.5±2.04 values (
p<0.008), the pretest and posttest control groups are at 16.1±2.03 to 5.00±4.08. with value (
p<0.000). So that the VAS in the treatment group get a decrease with an effectiveness of 32% and the function treatment group get an increase of 9%.
DOI: 10.22271/kheljournal.2023.v10.i1e.2803Pages: 342-346 | 537 Views 194 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Triyas Krismantoro, Wara Kushartanti, Novita Intan Arovah, Sigit Nugroho, Sukarmin.
Effectiveness massage effleurage with warm oil for doms decrease (Delayed onset muscle soreness) on the arms. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2023;10(1):342-346. DOI: