P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Effect of Ramadan intermittent fasting on body composition in athlete Khelifa Fillali Pages: 65-67 - Viewed: 905 - Downloaded: 468 |
Perceived multidimensional social support and gender differences among the shuttlers Mridusmita Phukan Pages: 68-71 - Viewed: 908 - Downloaded: 446 |
Effect of asanas on flexibility of sedentary women Asit Mahara and Dr. Sentu Mitra Pages: 72-74 - Viewed: 744 - Downloaded: 245 |
Effects of aerobic dance and yogasana practice on selected psychological variables among school girls Dr. M Rajeswari Pages: 75-78 - Viewed: 713 - Downloaded: 362 |
Effects of aerobic dance with brain gym on selected psychological variables among school girls Dr. M Rajeswari and S Princy Pages: 79-82 - Viewed: 710 - Downloaded: 341 |
Somatotype characteristics of football players in the coastel area Dr. Margrette Leena V and Alex M Pages: 83-86 - Viewed: 523 - Downloaded: 189 |
Impact of globalization on sports goods industries Nirlep Kaur Pages: 87-88 - Viewed: 2230 - Downloaded: 1842 |
A comparative study on mental toughness between theist & atheist players J Jino John Pages: 89-91 - Viewed: 865 - Downloaded: 376 |
Stress level amongst college women during COVID-19 pandemic Dr. Sheela Kumari S Pages: 92-97 - Viewed: 598 - Downloaded: 228 |
Hamstring flexibility and its correlation with body composition in children who were active indoor during pandemic - A pilot study Sreejisha PK and Umme Sauda Shaikh Pages: 98-102 - Viewed: 782 - Downloaded: 291 |