A comparative study on body composition of government and public school students
Author(s): Dibyangana Banerjee
Abstract: Health stood as a serious concern in the preceding years and will continue to be a matter of concern in coming years. Health status of developing countries especially India in lower than many other Neighboring developing countries which are financially aided by India. HALE (Healthy Life Expectancy) of Nepal (60.2 years) and Sri Lanka (66.6 years) is even higher than India. The child malnutrition and child obesity are the two major risk factors for our country in the coming decades. To avoid health risks in the near future, health assessment and disease prevention are two major weapons, one of which is being used in our study to make the people aware of the health condition of children. In our study we had selected 100 students from public and government schools within the age group of 5-10 years. Height and weight of the children were measured and eventually the BMI was calculated. No prevalence of overweight was found whereas underweight bearing students were present in government school. In public school there was no incidence of underweight whereas students with normal BMI were present. The study concluded that the fight is between underfed and overfed which can be balanced if the nutrient distribution is balanced amongst the children indiscriminately and equally.