2022, Vol. 9, Issue 2, Part F
Effect of Pilates Training and Medicine ball Exercise on Systolic Blood Pressure Variable among Men Inter Collegiate Football Players
Author(s): Dr. Ameer Ali PA and Dr. AM Antony
Abstract:The purpose of the study is to investigate the relative effect of Effect of Pilates Training and Medicine ball Exercise on Systolic Blood Pressure Variable Among Men Inter Collegiate Football Players To achieve the purpose of the study, 90 male football players from Ideal Arts and Science College Cherpulassery, Kerala, were selected as subjects. Their age ranged from 18 years to 23 years. The selected subjects were randomly assigned into three equal groups of 30 subjects each. Group-I underwent Pilates training, Group-II underwent medicine ball training and group-III acted as control. The selected dependent variable Systolic Blood Pressure was assessed by Sphygmomanometer test before as well as after training. The assessed data of the three group’s was analyzed through paired ‘t’ test. Additionally, magnitude (%) of changes was also calculated. To abolish the early mean disparity, the three group’s data (pre & post) were calculated through ANCOVA statistics. When the ‘F’ (adjusted) score in ANCOVA was high, the post hoc (Scheffe’s) test was followed. The confidence level 0.05 was set. Due to the effect of Pilates Training and Medicine ball Exercise on Systolic Blood Pressure Variable Among Men Inter Collegiate Football Players were notably progressed however, Pilates training was much superior to Medicine Ball training in developing Systolic Blood Pressure performance of men inter collegiate football players.
Pages: 327-329 | 336 Views 70 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ameer Ali PA, Dr. AM Antony. Effect of Pilates Training and Medicine ball Exercise on Systolic Blood Pressure Variable among Men Inter Collegiate Football Players. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2022;9(2):327-329.