2022, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Part E
Assessment of selected coordinative ability of international and national level wushu players of India
Author(s): Dr. Praveen Kumar and Rajeev Singh
Abstract:The subjects for this study were Fifty female Wushu players were randomly selected from different states and regions of India. The sample was collected from International level (n = 25), National level (n =25) female Wushu players. The ages of the players will be between 18 and 29. On the basis of review of related literature, expert’s opinion in the field of Wushu, following variables were selected for the purpose of the study. Coordinative Abilities: Differentiation Ability, Orientation ability, Reaction ability, Balance ability. The particular design used would single group design national and international wushu players were compared on the basis of their coordinative abilities required for the game of wushu. The data for coordinative abilities was measured as follows: Differentiation ability: It was determined by using backward medicine ball throw test and was recorded in points, Orientation ability: It was assessed by using shuttle run test and was recorded in 1/100th of second, Reaction ability: This variable was evaluated by using ‘Visual Reaction Timer’ and was recorded in 1/100th seconds. RT & VRT were measured by ‘Audio-Visual Reaction Time Apparatus RTM-608’ of RMS Company. To compare national and international wushu players and prepare the profiles on the coordinative ability parameters Paired T- Test was used, mean and standard deviation were also calculated to find out the variability among the scores. The level of significance will be 0.05.
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How to cite this article:
Dr. Praveen Kumar, Rajeev Singh. Assessment of selected coordinative ability of international and national level wushu players of India. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2022;9(1):289-293.