Effect of plyometric exercises for development of speed among sprinters of Khammam district
Author(s): Dr. Ch Ravi Kumar
Abstract: The Purpose of the study to find out the effect of Plyometric Exercises for development of Speed among Sprinters of Khammam District in Telangana State. The sample for the present study consists of 40 Male Sprinters of Khammam District out of which 20 are experimental group and 20 are controlled group. Plyometric exercises such as hopping, bounding depth jumps, hurdle jumps etc. given to the experimental group along with the Sprint training for six weeks and control group were given the general training of the Sprints Pre Test and Post Test were conducted on 30 M flying Start Run to assess the speed to both the groups. This Study shows that due to the Plyometric training there is a improvement of speed among Experimental group compare the control group. It is concluded that due to plyometric training there is a improvement of speed among Sprinters. It is also recommended to coaches to include the plyometric training program for Sprinters for enhancing the performance and speed.
Dr. Ch Ravi Kumar. Effect of plyometric exercises for development of speed among sprinters of Khammam district. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2021;8(4):288-289. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/kheljournal.2021.v8.i4e.2194