2021, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Part C
Study on physical fitness and body composition of national level female football players
Author(s): Anjan Konai, Raghunath Das and Dr. Madhab Ch. Ghosh
Abstract:The purpose of the study was to observe the Physical fitness and body composition of national level female football players. 22National level 15 to 18 years female football players were selected as subjects of this study. To conduct the study AAHPERD youth physical fitness test battery (i.e. 50 yard dash, sit up, flex arm hang, standing broad jump, shuttle run and 600 yard run/walk )and skin fold method of Jackson & Pollock for body composition were taken as criterion measure. After collecting the data descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were adopting and the following conclusions were drawn –
1. The female National level football players of Purba Medinipur district were found having more lean body mass.
2. % of fat was found less in female National level football players.
3. No significant relation was found between physical fitness and Body Composition.
DOI: 10.22271/kheljournal.2021.v8.i1c.1986Pages: 155-157 | 895 Views 206 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Anjan Konai, Raghunath Das, Dr. Madhab Ch. Ghosh.
Study on physical fitness and body composition of national level female football players. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2021;8(1):155-157. DOI: