2020, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Part C
Leadership behavior of directors of Physical Education of Colleges in Universities of Maharashtra
Author(s): Pradip Khedkar and Dr. Sunil Kumar
Abstract:Considering the case-leadership in education is of paramount importance of creating tomorrow’s healthy & efficient leaders and citizens in the field of physical education adopted in the colleges, the Research scholar has worked out a study to see the Leadership-Behaviour of ‘DPEs’ working under the jurisdictions of the Colleges affiliated to Non-Agriculture University of Maharashtra State. It was conducted during 2002 to 2004 and completed on Feb. 2005. 200 Subjects each from DPEs, Principals, & Other Teachers and Out of those 10% are female DPEs were served for the study. The samples are taken at random and stratified whenever necessary. Test & retest method was used to find out Reliability of the questionnaire. To collect the Data the ‘Leader Behaviour Description Questionnaire’ (LBDQ) developed by Stogdill was administered. With respect to Leadership-Behaviour and the Gender the Social Psychological aspects were considered as the Variables. Further, twelve sub-scales composing either five or ten items are used in the study. ‘F’ Test; ‘t’ Test and Inter-Correlation Matrix are used as statistical measures to testify the hypotheses. Overall Leadership of DPEs are found highly significant relationship in Persuasion, Structure, Predictive Accuracy, Integration & Superior-Orient and less relationship with the rest leadership qualifies. On the other hand, Principals and Other Lecturers have shown high significant relationship with all the Leadership qualities except Tolerance Uncertainty. The Leadership Behaviour of the DPEs as perceived by them and by their Principals and Colleague Lecturers differs significantly. But the Leadership Behaviour of the Male and Female DPEs as perceived by them do not differ significantly from each other. Whereas the Leadership Behaviour of the DPEs as perceived by their Principals and colleague Lecturers are significantly correlated where as it has very less correlation with their own assessment. Age & Experience of DPEs (0.95) and Other Lecturers (0.93) have shown very high correlation whereas Principals (0.36) have shown very less correlation.
Pages: 147-152 | 933 Views 224 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Pradip Khedkar, Dr. Sunil Kumar. Leadership behavior of directors of Physical Education of Colleges in Universities of Maharashtra. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2020;7(4):147-152.