P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
The reality and the demand for doing physical exercises and playing sports to entertain and stay healthy of people living in rural area Dr. Tran Hieu Pages: 179-181 - Viewed: 869 - Downloaded: 116 |
Evaluation of some anthropometric parameters of students on the site of the daloa university campus Niaba Koffi Pierre Valery, ANVOH Koutoua Yves Blanhard, Diomandé Masse, KOUAME Samuel and Beugre Grah Avit Maxwell Pages: 182-185 - Viewed: 958 - Downloaded: 170 |
A relationship of health related physical fitness and sedentary life style on health risk of secondary school male students Dr. Kishore J Maru Pages: 186-189 - Viewed: 884 - Downloaded: 179 |
Effect of fartlek circuit and parcourse training on agility cardiovascular endurance and resting heart rate among college softball players Dr. Biju Lukose and Simmy Mariam Jose Pages: 190-192 - Viewed: 1202 - Downloaded: 374 |
The effect of abdominal exercises without breath-holding on haemodynamics in post-natal period Rachana Shetty BV Pages: 193-200 - Viewed: 884 - Downloaded: 118 |
Physiological profile of Greek elite soccer players Athanasios Mourtziapis, Panagiotis Alexopoulos, Stylianos Kaprinis, Vasileios Dedes, Georgios Panoutsopoulos and George Kipreos Pages: 201-207 - Viewed: 1172 - Downloaded: 325 |
Stress management for athletes Dr. Vishwambhar V Jadhav Pages: 208-210 - Viewed: 914 - Downloaded: 131 |
Harry Crowe buck-pioneer of physical education in India Gauri Shanker Sahu and Pardeep Kumar Panghal Pages: 211-213 - Viewed: 2662 - Downloaded: 999 |
Immediate effect of yoga Nidra on EEG alpha rhythm of badminton players Das Payel and Pandey Vivek Pages: 214-217 - Viewed: 1033 - Downloaded: 302 |
Comparative analysis of isometric maximum voluntary contraction of knee extensors among different angles Dr. Rahul H Kanojiya Pages: 218-220 - Viewed: 1021 - Downloaded: 266 |
An analytical study of selected physiological and anthropometric variables on volleyball playing ability of inter university male volleyball players Dr. Hoshiyar Singh Pages: 221-225 - Viewed: 837 - Downloaded: 217 |