2019, Vol. 6, Issue 6, Part B
Model of game-based intelligence of game based on game for elementary school students
Author(s): Nova Kristiawati, Firmansyah Dlis and Hernawan
Abstract:The aim of this research and development is to produce a game-based kinesthetic intelligence learning model for elementary school students. This research uses the Research & Development Development (R & D) method of Borg and Gall. There are 30 learning models that are feasible to use for elementary school students . There are a result of k elompok small with an average of 74.03and large groups with an average of 81.83. The difference in the average results of the experimental group and the pre-test and post-test control groups was the pretest experimental group 73.19, and the post-test 83.58, while the control group at the pretest was 74.29 while the posttest was 78.06. Based on the appendix table 1 in the values ​​in the distribution of t, if dk = 39, for a one-party test with an error level of 5%, the price of t
table = 1, 68. If the price of t
arithmetic falls in the area of ​​acceptance of Ha
a, then Ha
a which states that there is an increase in the effectiveness of applying the model with play accepted. Based on the calculation, it turns out that t
count 4.26 falls on the area of ​​acceptance of H
a or rejection of H
o . or t count> t table. Then it can be concluded that the model of learning skills based on kinesthetic intelligence is effective for elementary school students.
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How to cite this article:
Nova Kristiawati, Firmansyah Dlis, Hernawan. Model of game-based intelligence of game based on game for elementary school students. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2019;6(6):98-100.