2019, Vol. 6, Issue 4, Part C
Comparative study of upper body strength among rural and urban students
Author(s): Dr. Chiragkumar A Patel, Haresh Oza and Kamlesh N Patel
Abstract:Obesity and unfitness are becoming a major concern among young people due to sedentary lifestyle now-a-days. WHO warns the world about this but due to overburden and hectic scheduled, youngsters do not find time for own self and life is passing without the necessary physical propensities, the need for physical activities is very high at this critical time. The aim of this research study is to perform comparison between rural and urban students on the basis of Upper body strength. The main Objective of this study is to know the Upper body strength of rural and urban area students. There were 50 students drawn from rural and 50 students from urban area selected from
Secondary Education schools ranging between age group 13 -15 years.. Current Literature on physical training has not explored the role played by pull-ups and its impact on performance in terms of Upper body strength. Present study is an experimental approach to understand the cause and effect relationship. Therefore, the action of regular physical activities for the healthy body is essential for the sustenance due to current situation of pandemic. Through various training methods, related literature and research, it has been proved that physical exercise keeps the individual mentally and physically fit, whole family and consequently societies and nation as well. The main finding of the study was area of residence affects students' performance in endure pull up. The rural students have higher upper body strength pull ups as compared to urban students.
DOI: 10.22271/kheljournal.2019.v6.i4c.1881Pages: 196-198 | 1002 Views 242 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here