2019, Vol. 6, Issue 4, Part B
Effect of forward head posture on swallowing: Review of Literature
Author(s): Himanshu Mathur, Sohrab Ahmad Khan and Zuheb Ahmed Siddiqui
Abstract:Along with the electronic development of the present world, physical activity has deceased to a great extent. This reduction in the physical activity has aided us with a lot of deformities. Forward head posture is one of the commonest for those using computers, smart phones, backpacks, televisions etc. regularly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of forward head posture on swallowing. The resource utilized included indexed/referenced journal articles, text & reference books. PubMed & Research Gate were databases used to find journals articles & publication related to effects of forward head posture on efficiency of swallowing. We are living in an electronic world. Everybody of us is surrounded by ample of gadgets to be used in daily life. And without their usage we feel incomplete. Long term usage causes disastrous postural changes in neck causing compensatory changes in the kinesiological chain leading to tightness of one group & weakness of other group of muscles. It leads to affection of visceral physiological function of swallowing. Video fluoroscopy and Endoscopy are the measures to assess swallowing objectively. Thus by the virtue of this study, we can conclude that chronic forward head posture affects the efficiency of swallowing negatively.
Pages: 97-100 | 1709 Views 730 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Himanshu Mathur, Sohrab Ahmad Khan, Zuheb Ahmed Siddiqui. Effect of forward head posture on swallowing: Review of Literature. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2019;6(4):97-100.