2018, Vol. 5, Issue 3, Part A
Physical education teachers readiness towards upgrading the teaching and learning processe
Author(s): Saidil Mazlan Abdul Razak, Mohd. Foazi Md Nor, Syed Ahmad Ezahar Syed Ambon, Zul Aizam Yassin and Junaidy Mohamad Hashim
Abstract:This study aims to determine if there exists significant differences in terms of preparedness of health based physical fitness levels and the preparedness of the mastery of the subject content majoring in physical education among teachers in Kuala Muda Yan District based on gender. The sample size is 200 teachers from Secondary School which teach Physical Education subject. The respondents are 200 male teachers and 50 female teachers. The methodology is by using the ex
- post facto' static group comparison using a "Prudential Fitnessgram" battery tests. The descriptive analysis shows the readiness in terms of health based physical fitness and the mastery of the subject content is satisfactory and increased at every level. Inferential analysis of overall readiness of level of physical fitness based on gender showed significant differences where t (248) =22 940, (
p<0.05). While the readiness level of the contents of the Physical Education subject as a whole showed a significant difference between male and female where the value of t (248) =
-7020, (
p<0.05). This study proved that gender should be given due attention in the process of teaching and learning, so that this difference can be reduced or completely resolved.
Pages: 35-39 | 1465 Views 359 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Saidil Mazlan Abdul Razak, Mohd. Foazi Md Nor, Syed Ahmad Ezahar Syed Ambon, Zul Aizam Yassin, Junaidy Mohamad Hashim. Physical education teachers readiness towards upgrading the teaching and learning processe. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2018;5(3):35-39.