2018, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part F
Comparative study of anthropometric parameter between sprinters and hurdlers of national level athletes
Author(s): Ajay Kumar Mandal and SK Hilaluddin
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to find out the comparison between anthropometric measurement and sprinters and hurdlers in national level athlete. In this study 20 male of sprinters and 20 male hurdlers in national level athletes were taken as a sample. Various types of test used for collection of data. Primarily the data was processed with descriptive statistics. For testing hypothesis the level of significance was set at 0.05. 40 male subjects belonging to two different sports activity as twenty from sprinters and twenty from hurdlers were selected from various parts in Pune city. The population for this study was selected from male national level sprinter and hurdler, aged between 18-20 years, in Pune city. The investigation collected the name list of sprinters and hurdlers separately. 40 subjects were selected through simple random sampling from various parts of Pune city. The ages of selected subjects were 18 to 20 year. The researcher was selected 20 national level sprinters and 20 national level hurdlers. Anthropometric measurements were considered as the variables for this study were:-Anthropometric measurements (Height, weight, leg length, arm length, thigh girth). For finding the significant difference between sprinters and hurdlers on selected anthropometric variables Independent ‘t’ was used as statistical tool for this study. There was a no significant difference between anthropometric variable for weight of sprinters and hurdlers because calculated value (0.65) was less than tabulated value (2.093). (0.65<2.093) There was a no significant difference between anthropometric variable for height of sprinters and hurdlers because calculated value (.005) was less than tabulated value (2.093). (.005<2.093) There was a significant difference between anthropometric variable for arm length of sprinters and hurdlers because calculated value (5.03) was greater than tabulated value (2.093). (5.03>2.093) There was a no significant difference between anthropometric variable for leg length of sprinters and hurdlers because calculated value (-0.97) was less than tabulated value (2.093). (-0.97<2.093) There was a significant difference between anthropometric variable for thigh girth of sprinters and hurdlers because calculated value (2.69) was greater than tabulated value (2.093). (2.69>2.093)
Pages: 346-349 | 1347 Views 321 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Ajay Kumar Mandal, SK Hilaluddin. Comparative study of anthropometric parameter between sprinters and hurdlers of national level athletes. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2018;5(2):346-349.