2017, Vol. 4, Issue 6, Part D
A study on comparison of different somatotype components in relation to speed
Author(s): Bhawani Singh Jadoun and MS Chundawat
Abstract:The main purpose of the study was to investigate somototype factors as predictors of performance in motor fitness components of male National Level Cyclists. The subjects for the study were 100 male National Level Cyclist. The relationship of each somatotype components viz endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy, with performance in motor fitness component – speed was established by computing Product Moment Correlation. In order to find the combined effect of various somatotype components, multiple correlation method was also applied. Results of the study suggested that there was a significant difference found between different somototype components in relation to speed. The sequence of performance in there Somototype groups related to speed was (8.31) mesomorphy >(8.54) ectomorphy >(10.01) endomorphy.
Pages: 208-210 | 1465 Views 257 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Bhawani Singh Jadoun, MS Chundawat. A study on comparison of different somatotype components in relation to speed. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2017;4(6):208-210.