2017, Vol. 4, Issue 6, Part C
Effect of eight weeks maximum and dynamic effort training program for improving squat press performance
Author(s): Shashikant Pardeshi and Sunil B Dhondage
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to examining the effect of eight weeks maximum and dynamic effort training program for improving Squat press performance. It was an experimental study in which pre-test & post- test non equivalent groups design was used. 30 male Powerlifters mean of age (21.17±2.15) were selected as sample by using simple random sampling technique (N=30) from Aurangabad City. They were equally divided into, Experimental group (n=15) and Control group (n=15). Maximum Strength 1RM Squat press test was conducted on both the groups & collected obtained data. Result shows that data collected was analyzed by using Descriptive Statistics to see the maximum and dynamic effort training program was useful to improve squat press performance. Further data was analyzed by using Independent ‘t’ test the mean score of experimental group of Squat press was M=6.83 kg (±1.65) and control group was M=3.83 kg (±1.50) ‘t’ value was 5.19 which shows the significant difference at 0.05 level thus researcher concludes that there was improvement of performance 1RM Squat press of experimental group as compared to control group due to the treatment given.
Pages: 159-161 | 1519 Views 549 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Shashikant Pardeshi, Sunil B Dhondage. Effect of eight weeks maximum and dynamic effort training program for improving squat press performance. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2017;4(6):159-161.