2017, Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part H
Kinematic comparison of selected identical phases of close leg press handstand performing on different apparatuses in artistic gymnastics
Author(s): Rajpoot YS, Ghai Guru Datt and Joshi Hem Chandra
Abstract:A press handstand is a gymnastic term referring to the slow and controlled elevation of a gymnast's body from an initial stationary position to a handstand position. The purpose the study was to kinematically analyze and compare each phases of the same skill (close leg press handstand) performing on three different apparatuses used in artistic gymnastics separately. A total of seven (n = 7) best male gymnasts from L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior (M.P.); who had the good mastery over the skill on all selected apparatuses were purposely selected for the present study as subjects. To acquire kinematical data, a digital Sony HDR cx-200 video recording camera with a frame rate of 60 frames per second, were used during the execution by placing it right side of the subjects(gymnasts) and perpendicular to the sagittal plane. The digitization of the skill by converting raw data into numeric values was done with the help of kinovea software to obtain selected kinematic variables. The repeated measure ANOVA was used for the kinematic comparison of all three repeated group at each apparatus. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The results showed the significant difference was found when compare all identical phases of the skill case of both the selected variables (
p<.05) on the basic discussion it is concluded that the phase 2 plays as a dominant role in terms of angular velocity of hip joint as well as the temporal variable.
Pages: 446-449 | 1442 Views 253 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Rajpoot YS, Ghai Guru Datt, Joshi Hem Chandra. Kinematic comparison of selected identical phases of close leg press handstand performing on different apparatuses in artistic gymnastics. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2017;4(3):446-449.