2017, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A
A comparative study of relative strength between men and women elite junior national weightlifters
Author(s): Sarfraj Alam
Abstract:The main purpose of this study was purposive selected from the “53rd men &29th women junior national†for the 30 November to 4 December 2016. Men and women weightlifters participated in various weight categories, acted as the subjects. The age of the subjects ranged from the according to IWF 15-20 years.The total subjects were selected forty five (N=45).Twenty four (24) men and twenty one (21) Women subject were selected. The first group women weight categories (48 kg, 53 kg, 58 kg, 63 kg, 69 kg. 75 kg. & 75+ kg.), And second group Men weight categories (56 kg, 62 kg, 69 kg,77 kg. 85 kg, 94 kg, 105 kg, & 105+ kg). The main objective to compare the relative strength among the different weight categories of 53rd men &29th women junior national weight lifters. Since the data’s for the study is taken from the performance of “53rd MEN &29th WOMEN JUNIOR NATIONAL†for the 30 November to 4 December 2016. This was held at BHUBANESWAR (ODISHA), India. In order to measure the relative strength of various lifters of different groups, The sum of the best 3 lifts for the each weight category of respective events was considered as the scores of the lifters. The analysis of data were using Statistical Package for the (SPSS) version 21 computing Mean, S.D. and t-ratio were compare the significant difference between “53rd MEN & 29th WOMEN†weightlifters on the Relative Strength for the different weight category. It was discovered that the calculated t- value (3.75, 3.84) was more than the tabulated t-value (2.00), so there was significant difference between the mean scores of Comparative relative strength between the 53 men & 29th women Junior National weightlifters
Pages: 42-45 | 1688 Views 323 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Sarfraj Alam. A comparative study of relative strength between men and women elite junior national weightlifters. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2017;4(2):42-45.