2017, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part D
A study on promotion of basketball Game in village Dudoj, district Sikar Rajasthan in percentile value
Author(s): Sandeep Singh and Dr. Pardeep Kumar
Abstract:This study is aimed at to know the promotion of basketball game and players in village Dudoj district Sikar Rajasthan in percentile value. Through this study we try to know the various policies and programs run by district association and state association of basketball of Rajasthan. This study has been done on 60 players of various training centre of village Dudoj in district Sikar Rajasthan. Who are practicing at various training Centre of basketball, at district Sikar Rajasthan and participated at state and national level. The level of promotion and development is measured by the scholar through a questionnaire constructed by the scholar himself. Questionnaire’s reliability has been tested by scholar. The test has been done on the basketball players of age group between 14 to 19 years. The statistical analysis was done. After statistical analysis of the collected data’s from the players of basketball players of district Sikar Rajasthan.
Pages: 226-228 | 1652 Views 211 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Sandeep Singh, Dr. Pardeep Kumar. A study on promotion of basketball Game in village Dudoj, district Sikar Rajasthan in percentile value. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2017;4(1):226-228.