2016, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part D
Effect of locus of control among various games at different level of participation
Author(s): Rohit Kumar
Abstract:The purpose of present study was to scrutinize the Effect of locus of Control among Racket Games at Different Level of Participation. Subjects for data collection has been drawn from the different universities. The sample consists of 150 Male of three Racket games. Further the sample was divided into three different games i.e. Ball Badminton, Badminton and Table Tennis. From each category a sample of 50 was taken to collect the data from different level of participation. With a view to measure the selected variable Locus of control questionnaire (Dr. N Hasnain and Dr. DD Joshi, 1992) administrate to the subjects. In order to find out the significant mean difference among the group analysis of co-variance have been used and follow up test conducted to evaluate pair wise difference among the adjusted means for different groups.
Pages: 190-192 | 1600 Views 174 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Rohit Kumar. Effect of locus of control among various games at different level of participation. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2016;3(6):190-192.