2016, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part E
Comparative effect of SAQ and circuit training programme on selected physical fitness variables of school level basketball players
Author(s): Shiv Kumar Diswar, Swati Choudhary and Dr. Sentu Mitra
Abstract:The present study was undertaken to study the comparative effect of SAQ and circuit training program on selected physical fitness variables of school level basketball players. Thirty (30) school level basketball players aged between 14-17 years will randomly be selected from Simpkins School Agra U.P. The subjects were randomly divided in three groups as group A (SAQ training group), group B (circuit training group) and group C (control group). After the pre-test with Physical fitness test Experiment Group-A underwent a training SAQ programme of selected exercise. Experiment Group-B received a Circuit training program of selected exercises, whereas the Control group did not participate in any training program. Group A has gone under SAQ training program and Group has gone under circuit training for 60 minutes three times a week except Sunday for duration of 12 weeks. Post data was collected after 12 weeks of experimental period. Analysis of Variance (ANOCOVA) was applied at 0.05 level of significance and Post hoc mean comparison was done by using LSD test. It may be concluded that SAQ training program was significantly better than circuit training program for speed and agility whereas circuit training program was better than SAQ training program for abdominal, arms & shoulder endurance being studied by the researcher. In case of explosive strength no significant difference was found between both the training programs.
Pages: 247-250 | 1877 Views 311 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Shiv Kumar Diswar, Swati Choudhary, Dr. Sentu Mitra. Comparative effect of SAQ and circuit training programme on selected physical fitness variables of school level basketball players. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2016;3(5):247-250.