2016, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Part F
Personal habits improvement programme and physical fitness exercises as a remedial measures for lordosis among secondary school children
Author(s): Mohd. Akbar Ganie
Abstract:Lordosis is the bending of the lumbar spine that gives the vertebral column of humans its characteristic ventrally convex curvature. Postural deformities are commonly encountered among Secondary School children. This alarming problem has forced a great number of researchers to deal with it. Prolonged and improper seating in the school benches, in front of television sets, computers; heavy school bags and insufficient physical activity are some of the causes of body deformities, which affect the elementary/high school and university student population. The aim of the present study was to investigate personal habits improvement programme and physical fitness exercises as a remedial measures for lordosis among Secondary school children. The difference were found between the means of post test of control and experimental group, because mean of post test of control group is 65.33 which is more than mean of post test of experimental group is 59.76, so the difference of mean within these two groups is 5.56. To check the significant difference between post test of control and experimental groups the data was again analyzed by applying‘t’ test. Before applying‘t’ test, standard deviation was calculated and found that S.D of post control group of lordosis is 3.47 while the S. D. of post experimental is 3.99 and their standard error = 0.63 and 0.73 respectively. Therefore significant difference were found between post test of control and experimental group because value of calculated‘t’ = 5.76 which is more than tabulated ‘t’ =2.00 at 0.05 level of significance, which shows that significant improvement were found in experimental group after the implementation of twelve weeks personal habits improvement programme and physical fitness training programme upon the experimental group.
Pages: 531-535 | 1670 Views 167 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Mohd. Akbar Ganie. Personal habits improvement programme and physical fitness exercises as a remedial measures for lordosis among secondary school children. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2016;3(3):531-535.