2016, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Part D
Study of hostile aggression in male and female sports person
Author(s): Sunil Kumar
Abstract:The main purpose of the current study is to find out that hostile aggression has been compared between male and female sportspersons. To conduct the study, 30 intercollegiate male sportspersons and female sportspersons were chosen of age between 20-28 years as sample. The selection of subjects was done from govt. National colleges, sirsa which is affiliated to C.D.L.U, Sirsa (Haryana). Sultania's Aggression Inventory (2006) was the choice of instrument to collect the data. Results indicate that hostile aggression is significantly lower in female sportspersons as compared to male sportspersons. It was concluded that gender influence the amount hostile aggression present in sportspersons.
Pages: 444-446 | 2318 Views 606 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Sunil Kumar. Study of hostile aggression in male and female sports person. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2016;3(3):444-446.