2016, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part F
Effectiveness of the core stabilisation exercise on floor and Swiss ball on individual with non-Specific low back pain
Author(s): Rajan Balakrishnan, Eman Yazid, Mohamad Fazlee Bin Mahat
Abstract:Objectivernand Background: We all need the good core stability program to prevent low back pain, torninitiate limb movement, for proper utilization of the muscle forces and tornenhance performance. And also, there is lack of literature support in normalrnsubject and the benefits of core endurance in everyday activities. To comparernthe effectiveness of core stability exercise on floor and core stabilityrnexercise on Swiss ball in reducing pain and disability.
Method: A group of 30 subjects werernselected for the study and randomly divided into two equal groups of 15 each.rnAll subjects were selected between the age group of 30-45 years. The groups Arnsubjects were asked to perform core stability exercises on Swiss ball and grouprnB performed same exercises on floor. Both groups were asked to perform 4 typesrnof core stability exercises for 3 days in weeks, for 4 weeks. The pain therndisability were compare assessed Pre and Post intervention using VAS and ODIrnrespectively.
Result: Two groups were comparedrnfor the difference between the post test score of group A and group B werernanalysed by independent ‘t’test and the result showed that there wasrnstatistically significant difference between the post mean VAS scores valuesrnfor Group A (Swiss ball) was 2.267 which was lesser than the post-test VAS meanrnvalue for Group B (floor mat) 2.933. The p value was > 0.05.Result for postrnmean ODI scores values between two group also showed statistically significantrndifference with value for Group A (Swiss ball) was 15.733 which was lesser thanrnthe post-test ODI mean value for Group B (floor mat) 24.067. The p value wasrn> 0.05.
Conclusion: The Swiss ballrnexercise showed statistically significant improvement in reducing back pain andrndisability when compare to the core stability exercise on the floor. Thus,rnperforming core stability exercise on a Swiss ball reduces pain and disabilityrnsignificantly compared to core stability exercise on floor among mechanical lowrnback ache subjects.
Pages: 347-356 | 2581 Views 814 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Rajan Balakrishnan, Eman Yazid, Mohamad Fazlee Bin Mahat. Effectiveness of the core stabilisation exercise on floor and Swiss ball on individual with non-Specific low back pain. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2016;3(1):347-356.